April 15, 2020

A Miniseries From a Floe

It's been nearly two years since the 2018 Arctic Ocean Expedition and putting together my YouTube miniseries has been a challenge.

Approximately one month ago, when I began to isolate myself at home in Vancouver, I realized that revisiting my experiences and the isolation that I endured during the expedition could help me cope with the COVID-9 isolation that I'm currently facing (I am healthy but working from home).

Perhaps sharing my tales of science and isolation from a floe could help many of us cope by being a resource for entertaining, educating and exploring from home.

I'm including links to the first five episodes of Arctic Andy's Tales From a Floe below, including my first video from the expedition, giving a tour of the Oden.

I hope you stay safe and enjoy.


Tour of the Oden before AO18

Arctic Andy's Tales From a Floe 1: Svalbard

Arctic Andy's Tales From a Floe 2: Oden

Arctic Andy's Tales From a Floe 3: Real-Time Data

Arctic Andy's Tales From a Floe 4: Marginal Ice Station

Arctic Andy's Tales From a Floe 5: Marginal Ice Zone